
Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 celebration?

Yeah.. I'm sure by the title that you are confused. Today is 9/11. It is also a few of my best friends birthdays. I am the shortest one in all black. They all turned 13 today!! I can't believe that we have gotten this far together. I love them all to death and I don't know what I would do without them. They are my world and my breath. I can't wait to explore the rest of the world with them. :*

Sunday, September 7, 2014


One of the main things that make me happy are my high school football games. I am on the middle school but the entire district is allowed to go to the games. But mostly middle schoolers  in high schoolers go. If you want to see me you would never expect me to be the kind of girl that would like to go to football games. But its just something about them that makes me feel so happy instantaneously. Now if you don't know I'm not a fan of big crowds. But it doesn't really bother me during these football games because I know that I have friends with me and that I am safe because my school district is in a very family-friendly environment. The stands at my high school are very big. I am very lucky to be going to a school like I am going to because there are not many schools in the Wisconsin area that are like mine. My school is very lucky to have all of the extracurricular things such as art, Gym, drama club, a big stage, sports teams, we are just very lucky to have what we have. But anyways at the football games people are loud people are screaming happieness and it just makes me so overjoyed to see everyone having a good time. I like the nighttime, I'm not a very big fan of the daytime and as you all may know football games or at least Varsity  football games take place during the nighttime. All of the big lights and everything is just so perfect in the moment.  One of my favorite games of all time is the homecoming game. Everything was so perfect the stands are packed your screen people are yelling everyone is filled with happiness and that's the only thing I could ever ask for. 

Tell me what makes you happy. See you next time, bye!! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Update, and new thoughts!

Hello! So I know I've been away for a while, but now I'm back and better and I'm so excited for the future. So school just started a few days ago, and if you don't know, I hate school. It's just people are so unoriginal, if that makes any sense. Everyone tries to be like everyone else even though on the inside you are something totally unique. But I feel like I've changed. I feel like I'm not afraid to be the real me anymore, i'm not afraid of the words that people will call me. The only reason that that's stuff doesn't hurt me anymore is because I know the truth and even if they try to tell me who I am or what I am I know that none of it is true. I hope you one day can be like that too. But anyways… for the past couple of days I've been somewhat depressed, it's honestly so hard to explain why or when I get depressed because, sometimes I can't control it I guess it's too hard to say why I feel that way, because I don't know. If you ever struggled with depression like me you know how annoying it is when someone asks you why you feel that way but you honestly don't even know yourself. Tell me how your school year is going and if you have any questions, concerns or just need some help with anything just know that I will always be here and you can email me when ever you would like. Stay happy and know that there will always be people out there that love you, talk to you soon. :*