
Thursday, August 14, 2014


Rest in peace Robin Williams. I hope your in a better place now. Yet another suicide has hit the earth everybody. Why did he do it? No one will ever know. I know people feel really bad for him, but it was his decision. I don't know if you guys will understand this, but suicide is one of the most selfish things anyone can ever do. Just think about it, you take your own life, not even thinking about the people that really love you. I mean he had kids,  a wife. He ended his suffering by just passing it on to his friends and family. This kind of thing happens everyday. I'm so sorry to all of the families that have lost a loved one to suicide.  I brought this up because people think that it is a joke. In vines people always joke about it. It's all over the internet, it's honestly ridiculous. If you just think about it, we are living this beautiful life. We are blessed to be breathing. Once someone takes their own life, there is no going back. You will be gone forever. Just if you don't believe this, you are loved. You are beautiful, you are perfect just the way you are, and no one will ever have the power make you question your own life. I guess some colors are just darker than others.

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